Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Becoming Sophia a Creative Arts Community -

Becoming Sophia is an online creative arts community- it’s a 12 month journey through the Zodiac, mixed media arts, journal writing, meditation, and dreamwork.

Each Month we post a Zodiac constellation- and discuss the virtue associated with it. (did you know there are corresponding virtues ?) and as Becoming Sophia is grounded in personal development, self-empowerment and artistic explorations of the Goddesses we find all over the world, we take a look at our own deeper story.

You will receive the monthly online log in to Classroom, that has vlogs and weekly prompts-videos are pre-recorded so you can log in any time all over the word!

Tune in for the weekly Mindfulness meditations based on Steiner's 6 Basic exercises and discussions/vlogs/blogs on how to work with them in practical ways in our daily life. 



BONUS!!! There is a Becoming Sophia Creative Arts digital journal for your journey this year!

Joining our Sophia Creative Arts community is FREE! and we're believers in the power of giving back. We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, so there's no fixed price.



view Becoming Sophia/May 


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