Friday, February 19, 2016

Extended Deadline

Invitation to Anthroposophical Artists in North America
to submit work to an open exhibition to be held in Ottawa, Canada, on the theme of “Encountering Our Humanity,” in August 2016.

Digital (JPG only) images of paintings, sculpture, mixed media, multi-media and architectural work created in the last 15 years may be submitted by June 1, 2016 to the email addresses below. Final selection will be made by June 15, 2016 for works to be included in a virtual slide show that will run during the “Encountering Our Humanity” conference venue, La Cité Collégiale in Ottawa, Canada, August 7-14, 2016. From these works, a further, smaller selection of pieces will be made for actual exhibition in a gallery space (to be announced) for the same period of time. (It is hoped that this selection may provide the basis for possible future shows.)

Please email images (no larger than 2MB) to and to, together with name of artist, title of work, dimensions, and cost if for sale. In addition, include a one-to-three sentence statement concerning your art: “what you are striving to achieve in your art”, or “what are your artistic questions?” A $25 fee will be required of each artist selected for the final exhibition in order to cover costs for a catalog. Shipping of actual work to and from the venue and insurance is the responsibility of the artist. Hand deliveries are possible two days before the opening. Potential purchases will be handled directly by the artists, but a 20% commission will be asked for to defray exhibition costs. (The selection of work is final.)

Selection of artwork will be made by Sylvie Richard and Van James, professional artists and members of the Visual Art Section of North America. Selection will be based on a wide range of styles and mediums expressive of the quality of work being done in North America today. These works will be shown together with a pre-existing and somewhat abridged exhibit of anthroposophical architecture (panels with photographs and possible models) originally shown in Europe. North American architects are invited to contribute to the broadening of this part of the exhibit.

For the Selection Committee,

Sylvie Richard