Sunday, February 9, 2025
Feeling the Chaos? Heal & Thrive: Use that Energy to Create Your Healing Art for Personal Power Kristena West M.A.
Friday, December 13, 2024
The Dream Song is an ancient Norwegian Folk Song. It was lost in time, but a clergyman named Landstad rediscovered it one night when he heard it in a winter’s deep valley in Telmark Norway.
The song tells us Olaf falls asleep on Christmas eve and "sleeps" through the holy nights waking on January 6th epiphany. Olaf while "sleeping" experiences secrets of the human being and cosmos. The dream-song gives us the "spiritual" pictures in poetic form of his initiation journey. As Joseph Campbell reminds us, the Hero's Journey is found in myths, legends and poem-songs.
The 13 holy nights have been called, "time outside of time" or "sacred time." It's a wonderful way to end the year and begin the new.
Every Night a part of the dream-song is revealed along with dream techniques, virtues to ponder, and a journey through the zodiac.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Esoteric Dreamwork: Connecting with Loved Ones Across Time Kristena West M.A.
Module 1 Esoteric Dreamwork: Shamanic, Lucid & Precognitive
Ready to unlock the mysteries of your dreams and develop a powerful dream practice? In the first class, Esoteric Dreamwork, you’ll learn to work with your dreams as powerful tools for transformation. Learn tips for dream recall, and the importance of sleep for health, and how to set up your own Sacred Sleep practice.
We'll explore the four subtle bodies—physical, etheric, astral, and ego—and how they are the foundation of all dream practices. You’ll discover the difference between shamanic, Jungian, precognitive (etheric vision) and lucid dreams as options for working & dream interpretation.
You will also learn my time-tested safe dream incubation techniques to get you started in your sacred sleep practice-hundreds of students have used these same techniques with truly amazing results.
Module 2
Connecting with Loved Ones Across Time:
Dreamwork with Ancestors and the Departed
This second class, takes dreamwork exploration even further, offering you the tools to communicate with loved ones who have passed.
Throughout time, Dreams are considered Sacred and offer us the ability to build a bridge across Time and Space, creating a direct connection to those who have passed. This is a profound technique for healing, allowing us to receive direct, transformative messages from loved ones and ancestors, offering deep personal insight, integrating healing and resolution.
Included in this esoteric dream practice course is our ebook on developing your Sacred Sleep practice.
Kristena West M.A.
I have been working and teaching dreamwork all my life. Big dreams called me to study many of the worlds sacred traditions and train with shamans since the early 90's.
As a community & social artist, my question has always been "What Makes Art Sacred?" Answering this question, a Big Dream lead me to move to Berkeley in 2000 and I received my Masters in cross-cultural sacred iconography with a graduate exhibition, Deities Dialogues & Dreams: Extraordinary conversations with Ordinary People. The exhibition showcased artist's friends of mine who had a Spiritual Experience, I asked them to write about the Spiritual Meeting and create a piece of artwork in conjunction with the Deity.
I was honored to complete the Two year Dream Studies program with noted artist, scientist and dreamer, Fariba Bogzarin. Fariba co-founded the Lucid Art Foundation and studied with Stephen Laberge (Lucid Dreaming author) in the sleep labs at Stanford University. We also worked with noted author and meditator Alan Wallace (Dalai Lama's interpreter for many years) On moving back home to Santa Barbara- Alan used to do once a month workshops at the S.B. Consciousness institute. Alan's Shamantha Project spearheaded Meditation as a technique for resiliency, health and well-being...that inspired the Calm app!
View more info and sign up at
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Welcome companions of Michael!
Throughout history we have countless representations of deities, archetypes, and archangels, seraphim and cherubim- we can view the images in museums and online. But where does the artist or quester or contemplative go to discover How to Work With a Deity Consciously & Co-Creatively?
This class is for seekers just like you! Many artists are friends of the spirit and seekers of creative depth. In this class I outline the secrets to co-creating an art piece with a spiritual being of St. Michael the archangel. We will explore a painting of Michael from cross-cultural perspectives, the creative, spiritual, psychological, and shamanic view-pathways of developing a relationship and a process of how to start a conversation of the heart.
click link to view Michael Masterclass outline.
This art class will guide students through a profound exploration of the Archangel Michael, drawing upon Christian meditation techniques and dreamwork to inspire artistic creation. By blending spiritual practices of sacred sleep, Rosicrucian dream practice students will build a connection with Michael's energy and translate that into contemporary artistic expression, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, or mixed media. The class will introduce participants to both spiritual and creative techniques, allowing them to tap into divine inspiration and express it through their art. The process will be personal, reflective, and deeply transformative.
We’ll explore how to align our artistic journey with the profound energies of an archangel the great being of Michael who conquers the dragon.
Video of online artists group exhibition of images they created of Michael.
Kristena West M.A.
Professional Artist and Inner-work Teacher. A life long artist, dream teacher and community arts instructor. Kristena M.A. is in cross-cultural sacred iconography. In 2002 she curated an exhibition in Berkeley called Deities, Dialogues & Dreams Extraordinary Conversations with Ordinary People, showcasing artist's personal spiritual experiences and art making.
She is passionate about igniting creativity, self-discovery and sharing wisdom, tools and sacred practices to expand our artistic toolkit. She is a member of the North American Visual Arts section council.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
MICHAEL and the DRAGON: the Art of Seeing Kristena West M.A.
The season of Michaelmas arrives at the end of September. Now this festival has been celebrated for centuries, and it might give us an idea that there is more to this festival, than some old "pagan-turned Christian" idea. What might the artists have been trying to tell us over the centuries with the countless devotionals to Michael?
The Art of Seeing: How to "Read" a Painting or Spiritual picture.
How can we enter into these paintings? Kristena discusses the Art of Seeing - How can we "Read" a Painting?
Click here to view the Art of Seeing at
So many friends have asked how do I work with a Michael painting; where do I begin, what is my process and can I give some tips on how to work with an Archangel from various cross-cultural perspectives? First we discuss the Art of Seeing- click on link above and enjoy the free mini-class. warm regards- kwest
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Artistic creativity is crucial as technology advances, helping maintain our humanity and balance ethical actions. The Visual Art Section in North America,
in collaboration with European Art Sections, is researching this topic and
invites participation from artists and anthroposophists. We are collecting
studies on art's impact across various fields and welcome contributions.
Join us for this enriching conversation!!
Team Nurturer'Studio
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024
ST JOHN THE BAPTIST FROM BIRTH TO BEHEADING. National Gallery & Kings College 10 Short Videos 10 minutes each 1-10
Episode 1 | Introduction |
John the Baptist: From Birth to Beheading
Monday, June 17, 2024
Pablo Picasso: A Bitter Confession
A statement made by Picasso which was in an interview that appeared in Libero Nero in 1952. The Maestro said:
"In art the mass of people no longer seeks consolation and
exaltation but those who are refined, rich, unoccupied, who are
distillers of quintessences, seek what is new, strange, original,
extravagant, scandalous.
I myself since Cubism and before, have satisfied these masters and critics with the changing oddities which passed through my head and the less they understood me, the more they admired me! By amusing myself with all these games, with all these absurdities, puzzles, rabuses, arabesques, I became famous and that very quickly.
And fame for a painter means sales, fortune, riches. And today, as you know, I am celebrated, I am rich.
But when I am alone with myself, I have not the courage to think of myself as an artist in the great and ancient sense of the term. Giotto, Titian, Rembrandt were great painters.
I am only a public entertainer who has understood his times and exploited as best he could the imbecility, the vanity, the cupidity of his contemporaries. Mine is a bitter confession, more painful than it may appear, but it has the merit of being sincere."
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Patricia Dickson Advanced Studies Sangetsu School of Ikebana: June 23
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Art & Healing: How Esoteric Dreamwork can Gift Your Creative Life with Glimpses of Karma
Kristena introduces the treasures behind Esoteric or the "hidden" Mystery Wisdom inherent in the ancient art of dreamwork. In the realm of esoteric practices, dreamwork can give us glimpses of our future or karma. Kristena shares a painting inspired by a dream she had when a teenager and explores the precognitive aspects and how the definitions of the dream-painting kept unpacking over time, revealing the relevance only 25 years later!
Just as the alchemist seeks to transmute base metals into precious ones, practitioners of esoteric dreamwork delve into their dreams to uncover untapped creative potential. Everyone can access a wellspring of inspiration that transcends the limitations of waking thought, allowing for a profound expansion of both artistic expression and self-awareness. Moreover, esoteric dreamwork offers a unique path to personal evolution by integrating the lessons and revelations gleaned from the dream world into daily life. Based on Rudolf Steiner's How to Know Higher Worlds.
Through these practical techniques of dream incubation, journaling, and sacred sleep meditations, individuals can cultivate a heightened state of awareness or build their Dream Body-that crosses the threshold of sleep into Other states of consciousness. The added bonus for creatives, is many artists and writers have been inspired by dreams and Kristena shares some of these stories.
Kristena West M.A. has been teaching Dreamwork since the early 90's and brings years of shamanic and Western Mystery traditions training and safe tried and tested techniques. She has written two books, Alchemy the Magical Arts of the Union of Soul; 1998 and Olaf Asteson a Holy Nights Dream Art workbook; 2019. Kristena is on the council of N.A. Visual Art Section.
AnthrOArt Painting classes Van James June 14 in US and June 15 in Asia (and down under).
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Becoming Sophia a Creative Arts Community -
Becoming Sophia is an online creative arts community- it’s a 12 month journey through the Zodiac, mixed media arts, journal writing, meditation, and dreamwork.
Each Month we post a Zodiac constellation- and discuss the virtue associated with it. (did you know there are corresponding virtues ?) and as Becoming Sophia is grounded in personal development, self-empowerment and artistic explorations of the Goddesses we find all over the world, we take a look at our own deeper story.
You will receive the monthly online log in to Classroom, that has vlogs and weekly prompts-videos are pre-recorded so you can log in any time all over the word!
Tune in for the weekly Mindfulness meditations based on Steiner's 6 Basic exercises and discussions/vlogs/blogs on how to work with them in practical ways in our daily life.
BONUS!!! There is a Becoming Sophia Creative Arts digital journal for your journey this year!
Joining our Sophia Creative Arts community is FREE! and we're believers in the power of giving back. We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, so there's no fixed price.